Monday, August 27, 2018

Weekly reflections.

Weekly reflections.

Week 5 was great most of my work was really engaging my work engaged me a lot. Trello is helping me a lot it is making my day a lot more easier it is helping me plan my day. And keep me on task knowing i always have something to do.

kiwi kids news

Kiwi kids news plastic bags

Critical Questions:

1. Do you think that NOT using plastic bags is important? Or do you think it’s not a good deal?if you stop using plastic bags you will be saving more sea life then you are killing. It will the world out alot better it will stop us trashing the earth.

2. What will happen if we continue to use plastic bags? Will it affect us? Will it affect other animals? Will it affect sea creatures?Yes it will make a huge impact on the earth it will be more tidy more sea life more sealife to explore.More sea life and longer sealife to remember.

3. Do you think we will ever be able to get rid of plastic bags globally?yes if we keep on trying to get rid of them we need to step forward to do the right thing we can’t just let sealife die.

4. If you couldn’t use plastic anymore, what is the worst thing that would happen?Not enough bags to get all the food that people need to get but we can make reusable bags but it is worth it.

Practical Thinking Questions:

1. What is a solution to stop plastic bags from being produced? Write a letter to the government and try to convince the government to stop plastic bags getting produced.

2. Ask your parents if they use more plastic lately than they used to 10 years ago. Why have they made a change? Why not?no they haven't they have been using reusable bags. Bust if they are buying it online they don’t get a saying.

on this day

On this day in 1958 there was only dogs on a ship from Russia .

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Kiwi kids news,


Critical Questions:

1. Why do you think lying is bad? It can cause something really bad could happen your parents called the police or worse. You could break up a family.Really bad stuff could happen you could say you saw someone wit a gun so they call the police or a fire or someone hurt.

Why do you think honesty is important? Honesty is the most important thing in the world. You may think family is But honesty can create honesty.Honesty is everything please be honest.If everyone lied he world would not be the same

Practical Questions:

2. What are some good things, if any, that can come from lying?You don’t get in trouble you can get credit you can get away with stuff.You can do what ever you want you can be the person you ant to be. But that person may not be the person you want to be in the future.

3. Do you think we lie for a reason, because of the way we are brought up, or simply because of human nature?

I don’t think either of them are right it is about your personality the person you are and a webit about how you're brought up.
But mostly it is about the person you want to be how you you want to live and and about your'e action about life.

Practical Thinking Questions:

1. Do you think lying is an issue that can ever be solved? How can we do this? If children are lying and you know they are you can you take something of them you could punish a way that you want to.

2. Write a short story about what the world would be like if lying was impossible. Even write a little story about a family conversation at the dinner table if no one could lie…

The world was an amazing place it was fine but if one rule was broken it would all fall.And that one rule was honesty if you lied you would die. But on person started an army and the honesty and layers had a fight and it was for the earth.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Little red riding hood

Once upon a time Little red riding hood decided to go see grandma.

Her mother said, “At least take this pot of butter and some whiskey.”

“Ok mother.” So she began her journey into the most magnificent and beautiful forest you could ever see. As she was walking she came across a wolf but not just any wolf one that could speak English.

“The bad wolf said, “What are you doing out in the woods  solivagant.”

“I am going to give my grandma these wonderful flowers a pot of butter and some whiskey” replied Little red riding hood

“Oh where does your Grandma live,” asked the wolf.

“In the little cottage by the waterfall,” replied little red riding hood calmly.

“Oh can I come with you,” replied the wolf.

“Why of course,” Little red riding hood said. “Lets go.” 

But the wolf knew he had to get there before the girl, so he came up with an excuse.

“I will be back in a second.” He ran of to grandma's house and he starts talking to grandma.

”Hello it is little red riding hood, your Granddaughter,” the wolf said in a high voice.

“Oh come in dear,” but the wolf threw a swarm of bees and it stung grandma to death. Little red riding hood walked in and then the wolf threw a knife at her head and it killed her slowly.

The wolf lived happily ever after.
Week 3 reflections

I do not have much to say about week three it was kinda the same of every week would like some more things in class like maybe science. Some more fitness but again pretty much everything is helpful.

quick write

This is a quick write we had 5 minutes to write about show not tell.

When i saw his face it looked the sun just began in the world. And morning sun of summer had just began but not just a summer a new world came on everybody. You could tell a new world had began and it was called the heathen of happiness.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Quick write

This is a quick write
We had 5 minutes to write more interesting sentence starters

An magnificent little boy named Sam lived in a little cottage. But not just any cottage the most amazing cottage you could ever see.Secrets there was a secret about that little boy tho. He lived on mount Everest. And SAM never died and he lived with a secret with all his live.

on this day in history

on this day in history 2011 a massive snow storm reached up to the sea level.

Monday, August 13, 2018

quick write

this is a quick we have 5 minutes to write about adjetives and adverbs

adjectives and advrbes.

Leave me alone i’m about to start watching the spectacular lights in the sky Bellowed Bella. What is that bellowed back said mom. It is about all the planets and what lights up the univese all can i watch sure come here. And the show started there is over 60 million planets and universes.But the must important one is the lava world it is the core of the universe. Without it all the planets will be gone there will be nothing no more planets no more anything there wont be a thing.There will be no you.

kiwi kids news

Protected: Computer games in the classroom?

Critical Thinking Challenges:
1. Think about a computer game you enjoy playing. What skills do you need in order to complete it or be successful at it?it depends what game you are playing what many peole enjoy about it and how the game goes.

2. How do computer game designers make games fun to play? Why do you keep playing them?thay addicting so more people play.and they get more's so addicting because so many people playing it and more people want to play it.

Practical Tasks:

Imagine there was no technology at all in your classroom. AWNSER. Work couldn’t be shown around the world because you couldn’t upload it. and not so many people would see it so your work would just a waste of time and nothing. What would it look like? AWNSER It would look like only handwriting drawings paint. Just a boring old classroom and just like every other school and classroom.

What learning would take place? AWNSER Not as much learning because with tecknolgy is a lot more learning to be known.What learning wouldn’t take place?and normal stuff.

Is there a distinction between games and learning?AWNSER there would be more uneke

more populaur more people playing it and more money.

Friday, August 10, 2018

weekly reflections

Week 3  reflections

Week three has been  quite normal. My work was really  ingadging i don’t have much to say.I like my work everything is set at a good standard.I am really enjoying maths.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kiwi kids

Fortnite all night.

Critical Questions:

If this line of argument is right, what are the implications for teenagers playing?
Teenagers are getting way to addicted to fortnite it needs to stop.

What are the implications for adults playing?
Adults can choose because they are a lot older and that is their choice but teenagers have to have good live well they can.

What would be a solution for this problem? (Other than banning Fortnite altogether!)
Set a time that you are allowed to be on it.

Who is responsible for the Fortnite Addiction in the first place and who is responsible for solving it?
the people who created fortnite. And the players.

Quick write

This is a quick write we have five minutes to write a planning setting so in 5minutes I created this.

There was a time in an unbelievable back paddock it was so scary It felt felt like something was climbing  up your back.It was making my bones freeze and I could hardly move. But when you looked up you could see the beauty of the night sky.

on this day

on this day in history america drops a second bomb on nagasaki the bomb was nicknamed fatboy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Quick write

This is a quick write we had 5minutes to discribe a paperback writer.

There was a paper the paperback writer has had many years wanting to write and then his dream came true. He became amazing the world loved him. His books  became so famous that not one person hasn’t read them. As he got along he became more famous and more and more. Until everyone knew about him and just didn’t care anymore.

Weekly reflections

Weekly reflections

Week two was a good week I learnt quite a bit it was a fun week. We did lots of fun activities.I really liked doing maths. Reading really engaged. Week two was really good.

on this day ih histoory

on this day in history a fire started in a mine. It happened in 1956 we made a video about it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

This day in history

on this day in history Shaquille Oneal

Monday, August 6, 2018

This is a quick write it is about a paperback writer.

On this day in history the execution by an electricity chair. This was 10 minutes about reading two articles.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

OTDIH 1895 a plane crashed from a thunder storm.
TDIH is an event that we do every morning.