Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Personal inquiry

Personal Inquiry

I want to do something about WW 3 and something that engages me in learning.  

How will you stop terrorist attacks before the world gets involved.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a very meaningful kind of topic. It's sad that we have terrorist attacks, and I am thankful that it's only a very small number of people in the world who have hate as their motivation, instead of love and kindness. Our value of 'Others - we have the power to make the lives of others better in the things we choose to do' fits in with this. I would suggest you look at NZ as a context, and maybe even looking at ways to help other young people develop empathy, which makes it very hard to hate other groups of people. Because one fact with terrorism is that the toxic ideas about others are often grown from a very young age. Part of the reason I work in Education is because it is proven that if a child's mindset can change in a positive way, they are a better adult. Just some thoughts. I'm happy to talk with you about this any time you want.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.